what time is it?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

random text

ngga tau mesti ngomong apa. mungkin berlebihan, tapi jujur gue takut kalo sampe yang kayak gitu keulang lagi. ngga mungkin gue lupa. sumpah demi apapun ngga mau sampe dustin diambil cewek lain, sumpah demi papaun ngga akan rela.
udah ngga bisa mikir, terus kepikiran, aduh pusing.
makin ngga mau dipikirin malah makin kepikiran. semoga ngga akan keulang yg dulu, semoga semuanya baik-baik aja. amin.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Things I want to do

I just want to be with you
I want to fall asleep with you
I want kiss you on the cheek
I want to call you silly names
I want to be stupid with you
I want to talk our future
I want to go far a walk with you
I want to listen to what you have to say
I want to make you happy
I want to fight with you, then make up a minute later knowing how silly we are
I want to take a silly picture with you
I wanna hold your hand
I want sing our song together
I want to have a picnic with you, in an open field
I want to go swimming with you
I want to watch the sunrise with you
I want to wake up, and see you face next to mine
I want to cuddle with you
I want approval from your friends
I want to go to your band practice, and tell you how great you are
I want to sing with you
I want to say that I love you too much